Watch the video about the rules of this chat!

Mythi's Chat Room Rules
THIS CHAT is to discuss matters related to doubts about Mythi words and videos.
DO NOT infest the chat with videos and other materials on a personal level.
One or other cartoon it's OK but do not overflow with "FACEBOOK" kind of posts.
Pay attention if what you are posting isn't posted in the last 24 hours already.
When placing a link put a brief description of the subject.
LIMIT random personnal discussions to a minimum level.
DO NOT LEAVE empty lines or paragraphs to make the text flexible to any screen size.
TO HIDE MEDIA - Click on your name in the right corner and click on "hide media".
AVOID leaving your profile "private", in our chat everything and everyone act clear and this facilitates the relationship.
About using emoji's in the chat, if used during a text to express something it's OK, but is not allowed to use only emojis as a post itself.

All Members have to put real pictures in avatars, those who are afraid to show their faces possibly are in the wrong place.
Until your photo is placed on your profile, the photo that appears will be:

Note: Any photo that is placed as avatar will be approved or not because caricatures or photos of artists will not be validated by the moderators.



1 - Click on your name and select the "Hide media" option. This will only make the links to the media posted appear and you click the link if it interests you.

2 - Click the "sort by ..." tab and select "Sort by Newest" and this will cause the chat to always load with the chronological order of posts.

3 - If you are using chrome on your phone, go to "properties", "extensions" and download the "Adblock Plus" from the chrome store. This will avoid the advertisements imposed by Disqus on the chat page.


Friends, the chat channel of our site grew, but many of these new additions have not understood or have not adapted to the purpose of this chat. Our purpose here is to discuss events related to this troubled period we are living as a whole on the planet. The questions and answers between us and Mythi are a reference to be discussed and adapted by us for general use. I do not want people who want to discuss cooking, raising chickens and mushrooms, artistic and musical productions, sexual preferences, love problems, regional political issues, personal character issues, biased comments about religions and specific groups, etc..etc .. doing in our chat. They must do this in their Facebook pages or exchange emails with their peers and talk privately. Those who do not feel good with these determinations have all the freedom to look for a place where they feel free to continue this line of posts (any kind of Facebook). Including posts in unicode or other languages should not happen anymore. Those who really do not take these guidelines seriously, will be suspended temporarily and if they want to return can ask any of our moderators by email to the application being analyzed. From acted on every newcomer will be analyzed by moderators during their first two weeks and if deemed inappropriate within this period shall be suspended for an indefinite period as well. These procedures are valid to old members too! Cheers to all! CB